We. Think. Ahead.

Who are we

Southern Commercial Bank N.V. is the new commercial bank of Suriname, established with the aim of improving financial services for businesses and individuals. In addition, our bank is an innovative institution offering a wide range of financial services and products, including savings accounts, investments, insurance, mortgage loans, credit, transfers, and other tailored financial solutions.

Vision and mission

Vision – We aim to become the modern fintech bank for individuals and businesses seeking excellent financial services and products.

Mission – Effectively offering tailored financial solutions to help improve the financial position of our clients.

“We think ahead” that is the motto of Southern Commercial Bank. We like to think along with you about the future of your business or career and provide financial advice to help you achieve your goals.

Characteristics – As a bank, we aim to distinguish ourselves in the following areas:

  • Friendly and expert service: Our clients are at the center of everything we do. Our trained staff is always ready to assist and serve you in a customer-friendly and professional manner.
  • Simple application and quick processing: Your time is as valuable to you as it is to us. Our application forms are easy to fill out, and we ensure a fast processing time. By banking with us, you enable yourself to take advantage of all our banking products.
  • One-Stop center: As a service provider, we strive to function as a One-Stop center for you. 

Board of Directors

John Lie Tjauw


Mr. Lie Tjauw has been in the banking industry for many years. John is a graduate of TU Delft and has worked for several companies in the Netherlands in the IT sector. Since 2015, he has been affiliated with Southern Commercial Bank, where his extensive expertise contributes to the growth and development of the bank.  

Regine Yeung


Ms. Yeung has been with the bank since 2012. She has worked in various departments and has witnessed the growth of the bank, just as she has grown within the bank herself. Prior to that, she lived and worked abroad for many years. Als onderdeel van het Southern Commercial Bank NV-team wil zij bankoplossingen bieden die integreren in het leven van klanten. “We willen de bank zijn die samen met onze klanten groeit.”

Supervisory Board

  • Dhr. Bissumbhar, Narpath – President
  • Dhr. Dompig, Mark
  • Dhr. Naarendorp, Michael
  • Dhr. Pigot, Cornelis

We are a member of


The Asian Financial Cooperation Association (AFCA) is a regional, non-governmental, and non-profit international organization registered with the Chinese Ministry of Civil Affairs. AFCA consists of financial institutions, associations in the financial sector, government-related agencies, and relevant professional service bureaus, as well as individuals in the financial field from Asian countries and regions, all on a voluntary basis.